Executive Director Angie McLaughlin Leaving CHCC to Pursue New Opportunity

Mike Romagnoli

Angie McLaughlin
Community Health Care Clinic Executive Director Angie McLaughlin will leave the Clinic this month to become the Practice Administrator at Medical Hills Internists, Bloomington.
“While I am sad to leave the clinic that I love after 8 years, I know it is in good hands with the staff and board who go above and beyond every single day,” Angie said. “The Clinic is on very solid footing, and I’m confident that the transition over the coming weeks will help lead the Clinic to a bigger and brighter future.”
Angie’s last day at the Clinic will be Nov. 9. She begins her new job at Medical Hills Nov. 12.
Last month the Clinic’s Board of Directors unanimously selected current Operations Manager Mike Romagnoli to replace McLaughlin.
“I want to congratulate Angie on her new position,” Mike said. “The Clinic has a fantastic relationship with Medical Hills and their physicians and I’m looking forward to having Angie there to make that partnership even stronger.”
Mike earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in political science, anthropology and Spanish from Ripon College in Ripon, Wis., and his Master of Arts in Spanish from Illinois State University in Normal.
He first got involved with the Clinic 14 years ago volunteering as a Spanish interpreter as part of his graduate studies at Illinois State University, and has worked in nearly every staff position within the Clinic.
“I’m grateful for Angie’s mentorship over the last 8 years, which helped me prepare for this new role at the Clinic,” Mike said. “I’m inheriting a fantastic and hardworking staff, a very engaged board of directors, and a beautiful new building. I’m committed to building on Angie’s great work advancing the Clinic’s mission and providing the best care possible to our patients.”