Help build the foundation for healthcare access in McLean County.
Dear Friends,
Through the course of working with our accountants this year, it has come to the Board’s attention that, the required annual IRS tax filings for non-profits, Form 990 series, were not filed with the IRS for the past three years and as a result our tax exempt status has been revoked dated May 15, 2023 and effective August 15, 2023.
We are working with our accountants to reinstate CHCC’s tax exempt status as soon as possible and hope to have it reinstated retroactive to the suspension date. Our accountants have suggested it will likely be mid-2024 before we receive the IRS’ response and decision.
In the meantime, the CHCC has made arrangements with our friends at the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation (IPCF) to be able to receive your gifts until our status is reinstated, to ensure they are tax exempt. We greatly appreciate the IPCF for their assistance in providing this temporary accommodation for the CHCC and our donors.
While we regret that this incident occurred, the Board is committed to doing everything we can to remedy the error and reinstate CHCC’s tax exempt status as soon as possible, and to working with our accountants to ensure this error does not happen again.
The Board is also fully committed to working through this issue without interrupting the critical work and services of the CHCC in providing free medical and dental services to underserved and low income members of our community. Now more than ever, the need for our services is great and growing, and we are firmly committed to rising to that challenge and continuing to meet our patients’ needs, together with your support.
Again, thank you so much for your support and partnership with the CHCC in this critically important work for our community. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Theresa Lage, Development Coordinator, with any questions.
The CHCC Board of Directors